Libra Scorpio Cusp. Charismatic Charmer meets Deep Planner.
October 19 – 25th. Happy Birthday Cuspy Critter!
Libra is ruled by Venus and Scorpio co-ruled by Mars and Pluto.
Since Pluto was demoted and seems to fluctuate in status — planet / not planet — with advocates on either side… let’s consider the Mars angle. A ferocious strength, a powerful force and a warrior. This gets nicely balanced out with lovey-dovey Venutian vibes.
Last month we touched upon how scientists have discovered phosphine gas in the clouds of Venus, raising the intriguing prospect of life on Venus (ok, not likely humanoid, but still the possibilities are mind boggling). Venus is the planet of love, beauty and money.
What does this combo of energies bless you with?
We think you are sensual, smart and have a petit soupçon of that well known Scorpion sting. You might lurk in your basement / the shadows for a while planning out a bold next move, but your Libra side will balance that out with a softer, more creative approach, so instead of a sting, it will feel like an embrace.
In short — A cunning tactician with a generous streak.

Disclaimer: As always, planets are really only in one place at one time (unless of course you consider quantum mechanics and parallel universes:), so your sun sign really is in only either ~29 degrees Libra or ~0 degrees Scorpio. Feel it out for yourself.”