There’s something special about being born around the Winter Solstice, regardless of which sign you “truly” are.
It is a time of celebration, renewal, regrowth, an honouring of the darkest hour, the end and the beginning. Also it approaches Santa season, so hopefully it doesn’t mean you get cheeped out on the b-day gifts if it’s your birthday. Who wants a combo gift?
Capricorn is ruled by the taskmaster Saturn and Sagittarius by the lucky and generous Jupiter. So at first glance the influence of Saturn may seem to be a burden, but perhaps the 6th planet from the Sun gets a bad rap. After all, Saturn’s field of influence are regeneration, wealth and amplitude. So not just a Cuspy downer:)
As someone born on the cusp between these two planets, with the additional contrast of the Fire of Sagittarius and the Earth of Capricorn, you are likely exhibiting at least some sparks of joy amidst your workaholic tendencies. As usual enjoy your cuspy critter status, flaunt it (although in a likely introverted way) and appreciate the tensions instead of fretting about them.
Happy Happy Joy Joy!