The third week in January is often the moment when those New Year’s resolutions bite the dust. While many folks may give up on them at this time of the year – YOU – with your cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius, can persevere and blaze those intentions right into concrete reality.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn (by night) and by Uranus (by day). So you get all that Saturnian boss energy, coupled with the more playful, innovative and humanitarian vision of Uranus. Maybe you stay up late scheming up new ways to change the world, and also have the practical thoughts to make it so, number one.
You combine the airy eccentric vibe of Aquarius, grounded by the Earthy, practical energies of Capricorn. Likely constantly abuzz with wonderful ideas in your head, you are capable of bringing them to fruition now, as opposed to some sci-fi future 40 years from now (Aquarians are known to tune into the future, Capricorns have the steadfast power of now). You have a fantastic imagination, a strong sense of justice and can birth great things. Inspire us with your abstract determination.
Show us how it’s done, you magical cuspy critter!

Note: About these dates January 17th to 23rd. It’s flexible. Hey, many astrologers will say “a planet can only be in one place at once”, so you’re either say 28 degrees Capricorn, or 2 degrees Aquarius for example. But us cuspies know that we can feel the influence of the other ruling planet. We believe a few days either side of the switch (which BTW shifts every year and depends on where in the world you decided to bust into this planet) feels about right.