If your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter or outer planets are in late Sagi/early Capricorn perhaps you have sometimes felt like you have a shortwave radio, while others just have am/fm“
A guest post from astro-tarologist Roxanna.
Venus and Jupiter are currently conjunct the Galactic Center, located at tropical 26 degrees Sagittarius. These two planets represent many things, but in this position we must look at their highest expression, for any planets passing through here are tapping into and ‘transmitting’ waves from a radio source far beyond.
If your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter or outer planets are in late Sagi/early Capricorn perhaps you have sometimes felt like you have a shortwave radio, while others just have am/fm
The stars of the Milky Way are spinning out of and into the Galactic Center, also called Sagittarius A, where astronomers say there is a massive (but small) black hole, our galaxy’s yoni or naval. Sagittarius A is said to be about 27,000 light years away. Even though the core is jam-packed with stars, they are only ‘light weeks’ from each other.

Back to Venus and Jupiter… (currently conjunct the Galactic Center)
Venus at her highest frequency represents LOVE and ‘Goddess’. Jupiter at his highest represents FAITH, ‘God’ [Holst’s ‘Jupiter’ (The Planets) just came on the radio as I typed that!] These two ‘benefics’ are perhaps the most venerated of the planet-gods, and, as religious deities, have thus been maintained in the Judeo-Christian faith as Mary and Jehovah, with Mercury-Jesus completing the trinity. Yes, Venus had her super-hot sex with Mars while married to Vulcan, and yes, Jupiter took every opportunity to spread his seed beyond the nuptial bed, but seeds and thereby babies don’t just need to be bred, fed and watered, they need love and faith, in order to thrive.

This is an excerpt from Astro-Tarologist Roxanna’s blog. Read more of her musings here.
Highlights of this cosmically active week…
Wed Nov 20: Mercury stationed direct. Give it 3-5 more days.
Fri Nov 22: Sun enters Sagittarius 6:59 am PST/9:59 am EST
Sun Nov 24: Venus exactly conjunct Jupiter at 28 Sagittarius
Mon Nov 25: Venus enters Capricorn 4:28 pm P/7:28 pm E
Tues Nov 26: New (dark) Moon in Sagittarius, exact at 7:06 am P/10:06 am E
Weds Nov 27: Neptune direct
Thorsday Nov 28 (US Thanksgiving): Moon conjunct Jupiter, exact 2:50 am P/5:50 am E
Moon v/c until entering Capricorn 4:33 am P/7:33 am E
Our cuspycritters thoughts about this enticing Galactic Centre: What if art / creative output is on the other side of a black hole? Creativity > A parallel unverse?